Heritage Lottery Fund Grant for St Margaret’s Church, Starston

Nicholas Warns Architects are pleased to have assisted St Margaret’s Church, Starston with their successful Heritage Lottery Fund grant application….

Grant Funding for Bells at St Peter’s Church, Brooke

Nicholas Warns Architects are pleased to have acted as Project Architects for St Peter’s Church, Brooke who have been awarded…

Reepham’s Three Churches Celebration

As the Project Architects for Reepham, Norfolk, we were delighted to be invited to attend The Service of Thanksgiving and…

Heritage Lottery Fund Statement – funding for places of worship

The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) recently announced it is changing the way it funds places of worship. From September 2017,…

St Peter Mancroft Awarded Funding for The Mancroft Appeal 300

St Peter Mancroft, the largest of the 31 medieval parish churches in the city of Norwich and one of the…

SPAB Scholar 2016 Gethin Harvey

Architect Gethin Harvey has returned to the practice after a year spent as a SPAB Scholar.  Since 1930 the The…

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